We were extra carb-loaded for this awesome episode! The main training topic was on a new study looking at how strength work changes muscle fiber properties over time. Strength training seemed to reverse the aging clock! We dig into the nuances of what it means and how to apply the findings for endurance athletes of all ages. Invest in a big kettlebell now.
The juiciest topic was the upheaval in trail running after UTMB's Whistler fiasco. It's a story as old as time, with the big power player throwing their weight around and responding to push-back with weak apologies. Now, a new World Trail Majors series is stepping up to go head-to-head with the juggernaut. What comes next? We have some ideas. Get ready to swirl around in a controversy that could determine the future of trail running, with implications that apply across participant sports.
And that was just the start of the fun! Other topics: getting up from the couch after periods of forced rest, improving recovery rates during hard training, a new American Record at 50 miles, a wild (true?) story from swimming featuring Diana Nyad, an update on the drama surrounding the USATF Marathon Trials, retirement in trail running, cut-off times, e-bikes, creatine supplementation, and hot takes.
Somehow, we discuss the plot of the 1995 movie Casper. We hadn't seen it in 18 years, so get ready for a whimsical game of telephone with the deranged movies we showed kids in the 90s.
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