In this thought-provoking episode, I delve into the mystical concept of the 'dark night of the soul,' a term coined by the Spanish mystic St. John of the Cross, and what it might take to become “un-dark-night-of-the-soulable”. I share my personal journey of self-discovery that began in my late teens, marked by a struggle with self-hatred and a deep yearning for transformation. Over a decade, my journey unfolded as a quest for understanding and tapping into the divine love that lies at the heart of this spiritual concept.
I explore the importance of personal interpretation in navigating the dark night of the soul, suggesting that true safety and freedom emerge from being open to all possibilities without the need for any to be true. This openness fosters a playful and creative approach to interpreting the world and our experiences within it.
You are encouraged to tune into your inner selves and fight for truth, beauty, and full expression, using your experiences as fuel for deeper connection and understanding. I emphasize the challenges of the transformation process, highlighting the tension between the desire for immediate change and the reality of slow, continuous evolution.
Throughout the episode, poetry is celebrated as a powerful medium for expressing deep spiritual experiences, and the struggle to find an 'instruction manual' for transformation is acknowledged. Despite the frustrations and challenges, my message is one of persistence and hope in the journey towards understanding and accessing divine love.
Tune in to this episode for a deep dive into the spiritual journey of the dark night of the soul and the transformative power of embracing all possibilities in the quest for personal growth and connection.
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