Why do we choose our parents and why do our children choose us?
Working out the evolutionary function of parent-child relationships is tricky, and quite possibly a waste of time. While it might satisfy the intellect to come up with an answer, the contributing factors are likely to be more complex than the intellect can process.
What we can do though, is to become exemplars in the relationship, whether it be with our parents, or with our children. We can bypass the need to know, or the need to control the dynamic, and shine the light for parents and children to follow, should they choose two.
Thom explains more in this Q&A episode…
Episode Highlights:
[00:45] Q-Why Did I Choose My Parents?
[01:12] A-The Purpose of Jiva
[03:33] The Menu of Potential Parents
[05:40] Governing Agents in Our Lives
[07:34] Gratitude for Challenging Home Life
[09:20] The Curse and Blessing of Materialism
[11:24] Parenting Our Parents
[14:13] The Gift of Enlightenment
[16:29] Q-How to Inspire Stubborn Child's Knowledge Without Force?
[17:09] A-Inspiration
[18:43] Teachable Moment
[21:05] Encouraging Self-Discovery in Children
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