In this episode, I'm sharing my exact SPX 0DTE Put Credit Spread strategy for Mondays. SPX 0DTE is the act of trading options the day they expire. Typically, to take advantage of selling premium on the last of expiration.
The goal of this episode is to give you a full strategy to walk away with but also an invite to join us for more options trading research.
The SPX 0DTE strategy in this episode is from a module out of the SPX 0DTE Masterclass and Community hosted on the website at .
Its combination of a complete course and live chat room for students to share trades each week.
The course is complete with videos, spreadsheets with dozens of variations, and includes lifetime access and updates. There is a one time cost for the course and chat room. There is no subscription.
If you are interested in probabilities, expectancy, and statistics, consider joining us as we crunch all the numbers for you.
Thanks for listening.