Do you want to live in Putin’s vision of a world in which ‘the big boys’ dominate …. or in one in which smaller nations have a voice? If it’s the latter, so the President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel, you need to support Ukraine. This war isn’t just about the borders in Ukraine or security in Europe, it affects the world and our principles of sovereignty, integrity, freedom, and the right of smaller nations to decide their own future. Hear from one of Europe’s foremost voices on global security on the implications of the war in Ukraine for the world.
The 2024 Lowy Lecture was presented by the Lowy Institute. November 26, 2024
Petr PavelPresident of the Czech Republic
Dr Michael FulliloveExecutive Director of the Lowy Institute
Further information
Transcript of the 2024 Lowy Lecture as delivered, might vary from the audio