Did you know that getting regular chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can actually make labor faster and smoother for both mom and baby?
Dr. Steph Libs is a badass chiropractor and lactation consultant at her San Diego practice, Cafe of Life. She specializes in pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic care using what’s called The Webster technique. Not just anyone can adjust babies and pregnant women; you must be trained in a unique way. Earlier this year Dr. Steph was asked to join the instructor team teaching the Webster technique to other chiropractors all over the world. So yeah, she’s a big deal.
We dive into so many different topics like…
- The origins of chiro and why mainstream medicine rolls their eyes at it
- Why every body can benefit from chiro
- How adjusting a baby is NOT like adjusting an adult
- How regular adjustments during pregnancy and labor can make for a smoother birth
- Common breastfeeding struggles + fixes
- Is the baby industry over-marketing to moms?
- Sleep training vs. co-sleeping
As Chase + I jump into the adventure of parenting, hopefully in the next year, we are continually educating ourselves. We want to have these deep discussions so we can be aware of all the different paths and make truly informed decisions every step of the way.
I’m not sure on much, but after this conversation I can tell you with 100% confidence that I will be seeing Dr. Steph for regular chiropractic care during pregnancy and post partum with my future child - that I do know.
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