Not everything in every book is advice worth following.
…but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it.
Today, we review Verne Harnish’s Mastering The Rockefeller Habits, a primer on some of the best practices any business can use to strategically pursue growth. Did we agree with everything in it? Definitely not. But the good parts are so good, it’s worth it.
We couldn’t call it a “Must Read” otherwise.
In this episode, Omar shares his favorite takeaways, particularly on the topics that too few business books are willing to tackle. He also discusses which parts of the book are…less than useful, or that challenge his own hard-won business wisdom.
Exposing yourself to views that challenge your own is a must — either to strengthen your own convictions, or debunk them! Either way, you come out a better informed entrepreneur. Hear what this book has to offer. Click play at the top of this page!
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Mastering The Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish
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