John Thatamanil, from Union Theological Seminary, is back on the podcast to talk about multiple religious identities and practices, trans-religious theology, and theology without walls.
He shares a little about what type of questions are driving his theological reflection these days, when religious diversity becomes a challenge again for Christianity, the shift from multiplicity globally to locally and internally, the sampling of different religions today, and why 1965 is such an important year. Tripp and John also talk about:
- How syncretism fails to describe the complexities of our current situation
- How the notion of singular religious belonging came to be and why it isn't true
- How even the concept of 'religion' is problematic
What the tasks or challenges are for someone doing theology without walls, the gift this vision gives to those who identify with different religious traditions, how the affirming multiple religious traditions change the way we see the God of history in the history of other religious traditions, the diversity in divinity, and the tension between nondual and personal religious experiences.
Plus, Tillich memes, what assumptions get overturned when you do theology without walls, and how theologians from other religious traditions differ from Christian theologians.
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