Speaker 2
So the polarity, or they have some other approach, right? No, unnecessarily numbness, but yet, they may or may not berit,
Speaker 1
right? Am, subjest. Use that as an example. So one polarity in the sensation stage might be over sensitive versus numb, ok?
Speaker 1
There are other polarities that might arise in the sensation stage other than numbness. Ah, let me think about it for a second. A, ok, another another possibility is a we like to attach ourselves to pleasant sensations, but we want to resist deny a catastrophise about unpleasant sensations. While unpleasant sensations are a part of how we figure out what's going on with us in the world. If we turn off on them, or if we simply regard them as unpleasant, we lose the opportunity to look into what's really happening. And well, what might i be meeting at this point? Such a different kind of obstuckness, or or polarity in ballads. And then there are polarity in balances, or stucknesses in all the stages. Am, so hiis here's a better psychological example. Am, you're dealing with narcisistic boss, ok, a real tyrant, you know, a trumpian figure. And a, you're a kind of submissive person, let's say, somebody whose habit patterns run towards the submissive, ok? And maybe somebody who has grown up fearing anger, let's say, for whatever reason, you know, turning off on that. So you sit down in meetings with this tyrannical boss, and they thunder and they accuse and they blame and they scapegoat, and you're sitting there and you're shaking, and you you don't know why, but you know that you're shaking, and a you all you can do is get more submissive and more quiet and feel more crushed. You're out of touch with the energy that actually might need to come through, which is anger. Ok? So even you may even be shaking with rage and not know it, if you have successfully boundaried yourself off from the possibility that you're a person who can experience healthy anger. You might even deny to yourself that the sensations and the beginnings of emotion you're having, you may not even label them as anger. You may label them as fear. You may label them as frustration, you know, or being flustered, or something like that. That's an example of a person who is unbalanced, whose habit patterns run towards submissive, into personal patterns a