In this thought-provoking episode of Innovative Minds, we delve into the past and present of Silicon Valley with two exceptional minds - Audrey Tang and Justin Rosenstein. Join us as they candidly discuss the tech and political landscape of the 2000s, exploring the mood that prevailed and how it has shaped the industry today. Justin opens up about questioning some of the inventions birthed in that era and explores the potential for realignment with the common good. Don't miss this fascinating conversation that explores the intersections of tech, politics, and ethical innovation.
Host ⎸ Sam Robbins (TaiwanPlus)
Guests ⎸ Justin Rosenstein and Audrey Tang
Season 2 of Innovative Minds deep-dives into artificial intelligence, digital democracy, and freedom of expression with leading tech figures.
This podcast is released under a CC BY 4.0. Creative Commons licence.
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