In this episode, coaches Georgie Fear, Ariel Faulkner, and Christina Jodoin discuss something that impacts the vast majority of our clients in some shape or form: Perfectionism. Health and fitness messaging can often portray that perfectionism is the standard, putting forth these images of unrealistic beauty standards, as well as achieving flawless nutrition and fitness.
We are here to shed light on the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of perfectionism: how it can help you strive for excellence, how having perfectionistic standards of yourself can hold you back from making progress, and how striking a balance of flexibility and consistency is a more comfortable path forward.
Discover actionable insights, practical strategies, and inspiring conversations that will empower you to break free from the self-criticism and flawless expectations you have been holding yourself to, and learn how to embrace the secret sauce of longterm success: unconditional love and acceptance. We will share personal stories and client examples, because we are human and have these same challenges at times! We can't wait for you to listen.
Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:
Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to personalize overcoming perfectionism and become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.
If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.