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Welcome to another episode of Do The Impossible.
Today we dive into some deep insights with guest Mark Anderson, a fellow Go Abundance member and family medicine practitioner from Wisconsin. Mark shares his struggle with feeling burnout and a lack of control in his career, especially exacerbated by the challenges of the past few years. He opens up about his desire to transition out of his current job and into a more fulfilling, flexible lifestyle that aligns with his personal and financial goals. Jason asks thought-provoking questions and guides Mark through a powerful coaching session to help him shift his mindset and take full ownership of his life.
The conversation delves into the concept of making strategic decisions to hit long-term targets in a non-specific way, embracing uncertainty at the micro level while maintaining certainty in reaching global goals. Mark and Jason explore different options and consider the monetary, time, and freedom aspects of Mark's five-year vision. Jason uses decision-making models to help Mark solidify his commitment to achieving his goals within 12 to 18 months, leading to powerful realizations and shifts in Mark's perspective.
Key Takeaways:
[00:02:42] Transition from lucrative medical practice to teaching.
[00:03:32] Seeking financial and time freedom for family.
[00:06:57] Seeking alternative income sources beyond clinical work.
[00:09:50] Navigating fear to pursue an unknown path.
[00:14:08] Two decision making models, each with steps.
[00:17:45] Push for the impossible, overcome resistance, achieve success.
[00:22:24] Alignment leads to action for quicker results.
[00:23:36] Embrace heaviness, align with action, process feelings.
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Do the Impossible is a weekly podcast with Jason Drees that focuses on helping you align your mindset for success. Follow so you never miss an episode!