Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #10, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss imposter syndrome, sports, life after COVID, and a bunch of other miscellaneous topics.
Time Stamps
Feelings on Ohio State’s shot at next year’s college football championship (0:02:57).
Post-COVID activities (0:10:03).
Zombie survival gear (0:13:27).
What led to Eric’s previous statement: “If you can’t go down to the courthouse and get married today because you are already married, then that is too married to call yourself single” (0:15:57).
Update on The Netherlands Situation (0:17:32).
Imposter syndrome (0:19:48).
Food rationing strategies on a deserted island (0:27:47).
If you could design the perfect human to excel at your chosen sport, what would that human look like and be like? (0:30:08).
Favorite fitness influencers by sense of humor/personality (0:46:03).
Post-COVID travel (0:52:35).
Food and cooking stuff (0:58:13).
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