Weekly Communion was the normative practice of the church for nearly three centuries. However, in the 4th-century, reports began to emerge of congregants being unwilling or unable to take communion. The balance of seeing God with both transcendence and immanence was lost and the church could not imagine fellowshipping with God in communion. Christians pictured God as too lofty, too different, too unapproachable. Eventually, the table or communion was reserved only for the priest, the "holiest" of which could partake monthly. Almost a millennium later, the protestant reformation brings communion back to center stage. This "communion revival" resituated the Church around the table in faith and fellowship with Christ Jesus. In recent centuries, the church has once again fallen off kilter with the commands of the Holy Eucharist. Many argue that the table is merely a symbol that should not be institutionalized, and others fear religious repetition will cause communion to lose its much-needed reverence. So, what should we do concerning holy communion? Should believers practice the table monthly, weekly, or daily? Can Christians take communion on their own without a Church? Are all the rules about communion man-made traditions? Listen and find out!
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