In this episode of The Community-Led Growth Show, our Host Joel Primack interviews Grace Cheung, Social Media & Community Manager at Lattice.
Grace Cheung has been a community professional for about 8 years, the last 2 of which have been at Lattice. Resources for Humans (RfH) is Lattice's global HR community serving all professionals within the HR function, growing to 14,000+ members.
When joining Lattice, she listened to members of the community to better understand their goals and had strong guidelines for their community. RfH has an active ambassador program, since she cannot speak and help every member of the community and help them all. They have regular community rituals, keeping members continuously engaged and creating something that members look forward to.
Grace built community engagement channels to meet members where they are and have a strong sense of community.
She shares how they're measuring ROI and influencing revenue growth at Lattice. Ending the episode, she shares her tips for companies just starting out on their community-building journey.
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