Episode 119: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education I'm joined by Elliot Morgan for an in-depth exploration of the teaching/leadership job application process, establishing a timely set of guiding principles for anyone preparing to land your dream teaching job. Covering every part of the job application and interview process from start to finish, Elliot has a ton of solid-gold advice for anyone interested in finding a new role within schools.
As part of the chat we discuss...
1. How important is visiting a school before applying for a job?
2. What advice do you have for completing the written job application?
3. How should we prepare for an interview?
4. Interviews normally come with tasks. What are they and what advice do you have for approaching these tasks?
5. What other general advice do you have for anyone who might have an application/interview on the horizon?
...plus much, much more.
Whether you're new to the profession or an experienced senior leader, you won't want to miss this one!
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