A day fails to go by where news outlets don’t report on fatness, how terrible it is, or some new miracle cure that’ll make you thin in an instant (just don’t look at the side effects or efficacy rates!). These can be fear-inducing, and stressful and can lead us to question whether we should just give in and try a new shiny diet. Fear not! In this episode, I will break down how to read a scholarly article to see if something that is being reported in the news media is actually true and if the science was even reliable in the first place.
Episode show notes: http://www.fiercefatty.com/134
Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org
What does peer-reviewed mean: https://apus.libanswers.com/faq/2154 Ways to determine research credibility: https://www.eaie.org/blog/8-ways-determine-credibility-research-reports.html Difference between a research paper and a journal: https://internationaljournalofresearch.com/2019/02/12/difference-between-research-paper-and-journal-article/ Systematic reviews vs. Meta-Analysis: https://guides.lib.odu.edu/c.php?g=966167&p=7021863#:~:text=Systematic%20review%20or%20meta%2Danalysis,the%20results%20of%20these%20studies. 3-minute primer on meta-analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i675gZNe3MY How to read a scholarly article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThCL_3GQZSc