Dr. Gary Koretzky is President of the American Association of Immunologists, Vice Provost for Academic Integration at Cornell University, Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, and Director of the Cornell Center for Immunology. He talks about how he began his career in immunology, using science to guide Cornell’s response to COVID-19, and what to expect at AAI’s Immunology 2022 meeting taking place May 6-10th.
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The Immunology Science Round Up
Circular RNA Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 Variants – Circular RNA vaccines enable effective protection against SARS-CoV-2 in mice and monkeys.
CD20+ T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis – Scientists found that expansion of CD20+ T cells contributes to the inflammatory process in patients with multiple sclerosis and mice with autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Neutrophils in Wound Healing– Neutrophils have an essential role in transferring matrix into wounds through heat shock–integrin signaling.
Spinal Microglia Promote Pain Recovery – Scientists identified a CD11c+ spinal microglia population that appears after pain development and is essential for recovery from neuropathic pain.
Image courtesy of Dr. Gary Koretzky