Patrick Barry, a former science journalist and current coder for the popular Waking Up meditation app, joins me to talk about building wisdom communities and Stoas for secular spirituality. As those who claim no affiliation with organized religion (the "nones") are now the most populous religious identity in America, what institutions of meaning, virtue, and self-reflection might we see appear that can properly meet the needs of metamodern seekers?
0:00 Introduction
4:13 Stoicism, Empiricism, and Secular Spirituality: Towards a Sacred Naturalism
12:55 Science and the Sublime: Finding Significance in the Known
22:52 The Missing Tradition
27:02 Wisdom Gyms for Lived Philosophy: Adding 1st- and 2nd-Person Truths to 3rd-Person Fact
51:30 Know Thyself: A Second Curriculum
57:44 "Broicism"?: Shadow and the Developmental Conveyor Belt
1:03:27 Integrating Tradition and Myth
1:12:02 Stoicism in Metamodernity
1:15:15 Conclusion