For many Christians, fitting into the current cultural moment just feels…hard! From 40 million people having left the church in the last 25 years to less than half of U.S. adults identifying as Protestants or church attendees, one thing is clear: Christians are outsiders. But is that such a bad thing? Should we fear missing out, or consider it a joy? On today’s episode, Keith and Patrick make a special announcement: They wrote another book! Coming in January 2025, Joyful Outsiders: 6 Ways to Follow Jesus in a Disorienting Culture will explore six unique ways that Christians can joyfully accept their calling to change culture without being changed by culture. Today, they explain the story behind writing this book and why they believe it will be a practical resource for “everyday Christians needing everyday answers to face everyday problems.” They break down the three ways Christians typically respond to a tense culture: combat, conform, or cloister. Then they present a more godly approach: Six unique types of outsiders that lend themselves to a person’s God-given strengths and abilities. Are you a trainer, protestor, builder, ambassador, artist, or advisor? We hope this sneak peek gives you a glimpse of the joy that’s possible when Christians embrace their role as outsiders.
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