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write it down if you want to. That's your vision board or whatever.
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But don't blame God. But if you
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43 and single driving a
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Toyota. Hey, man, we make our
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own plans with the Lord determines our steps. I'll try to tell
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y'all. So would you say, baby? Yeah, can't help you with that.
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So so so I'm on
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the Lord's time.
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I saw all my friends plant churches in their thirties. I planted a church and when I was 40,
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Thank you, Holy
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Spirit. You can. This is going to be our first three hour pod. It's happening because I know I ain't going to be done in five minutes. Dang, New York, my
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bad. Sorry not sorry. Listen,
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You're not late. Yeah, you're not late. Thank you so much. I lived at the time and I'm like, it's
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late. And Noah, it's time for a bad baby.
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It's 1155 homey. You've been a great co-host. You really have,
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dude. You really have.
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Huh? It's okay.
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The comments will stay in the live chat and you can read the rest of them.
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I love you. Okay. Nate,
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let's do words of affirmation. Because he's 755, baby. Oh, I'm still working on it. Oh, are you working? Yeah, I was working on extra. Done deal. I'm proud of that. Okay. I love you. I'm pleased with
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you. I saved it.
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You are blessed. I saved it. You are strong. You are valuable. I saved it. You are gifted. I saved it. You are kind. I saved it. You are special. I saved it. You are leaders. I saved it. You are creatives. I saved it. You are righteous. I
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are good. I saved it. You
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are valid. Jesus, thank you so much for making it. I encourage you to be in great state tonight. The rest of my bodies
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so good. I love you. I love you.
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I love you. I love
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you. I love you. I love you. I love you, baby. All right. Let me say this. You can't be late. Whatever
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God has for you is going to be for you. It's never going to
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be given to anybody else. You cannot be late
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for God's destiny and his purpose if you are walking with him. You may feel like you're late because it's not on your timing. It didn't happen when you wanted it to happen. But the bottom line is if God's telling you to do this, it's going to come to pass. It just may not be on your time schedule. I would never have imagined that at 47 and a half years old, God would get bestow one to me and us, this
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level of influence.
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What? That's 22
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10 times as many followers and as much influence and do, do, do, do. Am I late though?
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No, I'm not late. Why?