Speaker 1
hi gorges it in, isa, and i'm so thrilled to spend his time with you today. And i appreciate your time. I appreciate your listener ship. And of course, i absolutely appreciate and love any reviews you can leave um or, you know, rate it these podca s, and it really helps us get the word out there, and it helps me move up the chart so more people can find it. Um, i super appreciate you sharing this in your business groups and and all of those things. Share it with your business be i love and appreciate you for that. Thank you. Now, today we are talking about um how to cope with criticism and how to cope with business rejection. And i've done separate episodes on things around this. So we've done things about um, looking at your starts, dealing with failed launches, uh, you know, that kind of stuff. But i've just seen people recently get so, um, dispondant. So, like, just feel really bad, and, and, and they take business reject rejection. So so personally, okay, so if you do need to revisit some of those, like, uh, knowing your numbers, for example, you know, in uh, my book, chirino, renamed chill and prosper, there's a whole article, uh, sorry, a whole chapter about the one percent rule, about how not everyone is going to want to work with you. So you can go and, and that could be your home work to look at that. But i just want to talk about, like, other forms of criticism and and business rejection today. So, of course, no your numbers. Now, what to expect all of those things. Now, the first thing that can be super, super painful l is um feedback from customers and non customers, like non buying people. And i remember this very, very clearly at the start of my business journey. And it's often at the bus at the start, because you're often in your in box, your customer service, you're doing that yourself, f and, you know, you, you're just a little bit more, you're just trying to figure things out, so you're a little bit more vulnerable to that b business criticism at the start. And so i remember when i uh changed my business name. My web site used to be like, denis duffield thomas dot com, and then i changed everything to lucky bitch dot com. And i had asked the universe for a million dollar idea. I was like, universe, send me a million dollar book title. Send me a million dollar idea, because i wanted to stand out in the market. And i got this idea in the shower, a lucky bitch. And i remember talking to my coach about it at the time and said, i'm really nervous about saying lucky bitch. And the whole story behind it is, because when i started working on my money mind set, i started, uh dealing with my money blocks, all these amazing things started happening for me. And my friends were just like, oh, denise, you're such a lucky bitch. And i was like, no, you're not really like i'm like, let me reverse engineer it for you. I'm learning to be luckier. I'm learning to be more optimistic, and it has a a big follow in effect, right? But they were like, no, you're a lucky bitch. So i really wanted to do it, but i was so scared of the criticism, and so scared of, um, people not liking it. And guess what? Some people didn't like it. Some people criticize me for it. And i got a lot of of un subscribes from my news letter when i made the shift. I had people saying to me, um, you know, well, i can't support you anymore because it's a swear word. And, i mean, bitch is one of those things, like facebook do not like it, for example. It gets flagged all the time. Um, it gets filtered in some people's email filters, all that kind of stuff. So i totally understand it. But i was just getting people going, oh, my god, you're so rude, and this is horrible, and it's so offensive, and i can't believe you're, you're saying this. And i was like trying to explain, like, i'm reclaiming this word, you know. And, um, and it was so painful. It was so, so painful. And, um, saying those un subscribed notifica cations was very painful. And then one person said something to me that was really hurtful, and it was a big mirror for me. So i used to see this cyropracto. He was in his fifties, and i would talk to me about my business, because i didn't have anyone to talk to about business.