Why there's still a place for your blog, how to choose a good WordPress host, and why we recommend WordPress for food bloggers.
Welcome to episode 219 of The Food Blogger Pro Podcast! This week on the podcast, we’re focusing on things you might believe when you first start your blog, how to choose a solid host, and why we recommend WordPress for food bloggers.
We’re going back to basics today and focusing on starting. If you have an idea for a blog, business, series, post, or product, we hope this episode will help give you a bit of a push to actually start.
First, we’ll hear from Bjork. He covers three of the most common blogging misconceptions we hear from new bloggers and how you can switch your thought processes around them.
Next up: Andrew, our Site Speed Expert here at Food Blogger Pro. In his section, he’s talking all about hosting. For instance, did you know he recommends changing hosts every few years?!
Last, WP Tasty Lead, Raquel. She’s talking all about WordPress and why it’s the CMS we recommend for food bloggers.
We think you’ll have a lot of great takeaways from this episode, regardless of whether your blog is brand new or if you’ve been blogging for years. Enjoy!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Why you don’t need to have a ton of content to launch
- Why you have to love the idea AND the work
- Why there’s still a place for your blog
- What hosting is
- How to find a good host
- When you should switch your hosting
- Why we use and recommend WordPress
- WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org
- What it means when a plugin is premium
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for interviews, be sure to email them to podcast@foodbloggerpro.com.