We have been programmed to play small. To live within the box society has handcrafted for us. To think, be and do like everyone else. Sad. Scary.
This causes heartbreak. We forget all we truly are. We escape into distraction and diversion. We neglect our purpose. We die, while still alive.
But to unfear.
To do the things that scare us and haunt us and taunt us. To hug the monster and slay the dragon. To me, this is what true success and outright greatness is all about.
So allow me to ask you, how will you exploit this day?
To walk into the valley of darkness and embrace your limits. To say yes to your usual nos. To do what your weakest told your finest self was impossible. To stand in the sunlight of your courage, conviction and heroism.
This is what my latest book The Wealth Money Can’t Buy is all about. Real wealth versus fake success. True winning versus spending your life climbing a mountain, only to find out at the end that it was the wrong one. You can order it now by clicking here.