This week's guest is John Knotts. Ron and John explored the multifaceted concept of fear. John also explained why fear exists, and how scientific thinking and continuous improvement can help us all deal with it. An MP3 audio version of this episode is available for download here.
In this episode you'll learn:
The quote John likes (3:28)
John's background (4:47)
An example of "professional fear" (8:49)
Why John chose to study fear (10:40)
An example of why fear exists (14:53)
The relationship between worry and fear (19:38)
How John faced his fears of swimming and public speaking (22:45)
Ron's fear of snakes (27:43)
The benefits of being prepared (32:17)
How scientific thinking can help deal with fear (41:23)
Podcast Resources
Right Click to Download this Podcast as an MP3
John on LinkedIn
Crossing the Zone of Fear
Becoming Unbelievably Successful
One Dead Marine: A Savage Soul Scorched Earth
John's Forbes Coach Articles
Business 2020
Lessons in Life Long Learning
Overcoming Organizational Myopia: Breaking Through Siloed Organizations
GA 392 | Using Lean on a Horse Farm with John Knotts
GA 407 | Choosing an Approach to Lean and Six Sigma with John Knotts
GA 439 | Collecting and Interpreting Data with John Knotts
GA 478 | Discovering Your Purpose with John Knotts
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What Do You Think?
How do you deal with fear? Have you faced any of your own?