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Think about how he would act on the floor of the House. Instead of taking six months to get a committee together to stage an investigation, he would just stream on acts and be like, Nancy Pelosi, how do you accomplish all your insider trading? And do you think that that's moral to absolutely steal from the American people? He
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would. That's exactly the question he would ask.
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He would just cut. What does he say now? You are the media? Yeah. You are the media. It's true. We need to apply that principle to Congress because now we think of Congress as a separate entity, but actually you are Congress. Actually,
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I hope it's actually proposed. That would be fun. Lots and lots of fun. I want to take your mind here for just a second to Minnesota. And I'm saying I just want to take your mind there. Don't don't ever think I mean, what Minnesota, why would you go anyway? Minnesota in their state capital, they've always had the Christmas tree, and then they added the menorah. Well, you can't add, you know, two global religions without adding Satan, right? Am I right? So the state of Minnesota allowed the Satanists to put up a phoenix coming from the ashes. And there are all their satanic symbols in in the rotunda of the state capital with the Christmas tree and the menorah. It's unbelievable.
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This is the problem with the modern Republican Party is they've bought into this idea of neutrality and libertarianism, and they refuse to say that any belief or principle is better than another. They only want this idea that like, oh, OK, well, you've chosen to worship Satan and I've chosen to worship the true God. Our beliefs are equal, so we should have an equal platform. No, that's never how our country was intended to be. Our country was always intended to be governed along the idea that liberty is not the end in of itself. Liberty is the means to virtue. Liberty is supposed to allow us to be an ordered civilization so that we can pursue God. We should not allow Satanists. No.
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And, you know, and first of all, the Satanist will tell you we're not a religion. Well, if you're not a religion, then why are you in the rotunda? Because that's, you know, Congress shall establish no law. So that that doesn't that doesn't really work. You are absolutely a religion, by the way. So is climate control. Absolutely. So is woke ism. Absolute religion.. And no, don't think it should be in there.
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Also, they're just stupid if they if these so-called Satanists don't think that demons are real. Like you might not realize that you're worshiping demons, but that's what you're doing. Oh,
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I think they know. I think they're probably pretty clear on that. Let me show you some footage now from the local Minneapolis news on this. And Liz, I want to just get your live reaction here and go ahead and roll. So
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symbols at our state capitol are not a new thing. For years, a Christmas tree has been installed in the rotunda. A menorah has been lit outside honoring Christian and Jewish seasonal traditions. But this year, the display of a phoenix sponsored by the Minnesota Satanists joined the bunch. Stop. Can you freeze that,
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please? That's so mean to make me react to that live. You could actually hear it in her voice before when she said Christmas tree, religious symbols. You can tell it makes her cringe.
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If you're watching The Blaze right now, you are seeing Rachel Maddow's much butchier man-like sister. Wearing brown velvet.
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Is that brown velvet?
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Brown corduroy? Probably brown corduroy, because that just screams liberal. Brown corduroy suit. And then these big glasses, and she just screams. When she's on, the only thing I could think of when I saw this was, hi, I'm a liberal. And I'm going to tell you the news from my liberal point of view. I mean, it would be like having a guy dress up like Uncle Sam and sit behind a news desk and give you the news. What do you think he's going to say? That is one of the forget about the Satanist thing. That was a red herring to get this newscaster who I've never said. I mean, when people say, what do liberals look like? Right there, right there. Am I wrong, Liz? No,
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you're not wrong. It shouldn't say breaking the news. It should say the unhappy news. Look at her. I actually feel a little bad for her looking at her because she doesn't she seems like the idea of Christmas might be painful for her I don't
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I she looks she looks angry there's not a single diehard liberal that is happy they're not no
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mean the diehard ones they're not you could be hippieie or misguided or, you know, stupid and be happy. But if you're really that deep progressive, there's no way you're happy. There's not. It's not possible.
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Maybe a statue of her will be erected next year for the religion of wokeism. Maybe. She'll probably write into the show afterward and tell us, actually, I'm a conservative, guys. That's so mean.
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Yeah. I watch Yellowstonestone so i understand the movement
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let's see uh there's also a story uh from the new york times uh and it's a column by their ethicist uh it said uh it's a write-in from somebody whose name was withheld i have an 85-year neighbor who is a sweet friend and a caring person. My issue is she's very religious, and I'm not at all. She prays for me and says it in person, text, emails, for even the most minor situations. I've told her my view of religion, and she doesn't need to pray for me. She said she has to, otherwise you're not religious at all, why does it bother you? You just think this old lady is wasting her time talking to, you know, some sky, invisible sky God that doesn't exist. Why would it bother you that she's thinking it could bother you? You're like, she's just, she's just wasted her whole life, but you'd have empathy for her. Why does it bother you? If people say they're praying for you, you'd
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think it would make this person feel loved actually, because even if, uh, even if the non-religion person, non-religious person doesn't believe in love, if you look at this old lady's worldview for a moment, she's trying to follow the Bible, meaning living according to Jesus's teaching. God is love. She's trying to love her literal neighbor here. Right, right.