A group of lesbians founded the Pussy Church of Modern Witchcraft in 2017 to create a spiritual home for women and girls. This Maryland-based Church of female-born women is devoted to the liberation of women and girls from the oppression females face based on sex. The Pussy Church of Modern Witchcraft observes earth-based spiritual practices and is made up of diverse congregations of women around the United States and the world. You can receive updates about the Church at https://pussychurchofmodernwitchcraft.com/connect. The Pussy Church will hold its first conference in April 2019 in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware: SOLIDARITY: A Radical Feminist Conference. You can submit a workshop proposal or find more information at https://pussychurchofmodernwitchcraft.com/2018/07/25/solidarity-a-radical-feminist-conference/.
Thistle spoke with Sister Dandelion on the phone to get the scoop on the church's mission and what it hopes to accomplish.