Oliver Niño, also known as “The Spiritual Activator”, is a Sacred Geometry and Energy Activation expert, thought leader, and celebrity spiritual advisor to stars such as Demi Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow, Nina Dobrev, who has trained and certified healers from over 60+ countries. As founder of the Geo Love Healing Methodology, Oliver has almost 2 million students online and an extensive celebrity clientele. He is on a mission to teach others how to clear, protect, and unblock their energy so they can attract more abundance, love, and purpose in their lives. As The Spiritual Activator, Oliver focuses on teaching people how to identify, activate, and master their spiritual gifts. He works on the entire energetic system, going straight to the root of the issue with one’s aura, chakras, blood, organs, physical body, cellular level, DNA, gestational, generational, and karmic. His healing usually takes effect after one session, rather than over a course of a long period of time. When Oliver isn’t healing the masses, he enjoys traveling with his two children and family. He and his wife Mandy are the co-founders of the Hustle and Heart Foundation which aims to change the world, one act of kindness at a time.
Oliver’s website is: https://www.thespiritualactivator.com/
And to find our guest host Mirjam Paninski: https://www.mirjampaninski.com/
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