Interventional radiology is unique in the way that much of what an IR’s practice looks like is extremely contingent upon their practice setting following training - whether it be community, academic, private, or hybrid. Dr. Mark Wilson joins host Dr. Donald Garbett to discuss his own journey of transitioning from a large, physician owned group to forming his own private IR practice in Spokane, Washington following a major hospital contract shift.
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Dr. Wilson shares the emotional impact of the career shift, and the technical aspects of how he was able to succeed following the change, and the details that went into creating his own private IR-only group and securing contracts with local hospitals. The doctors also spend time on the financial dynamics between DR and IR, as well as the true dollar value and impact IR brings to hospitals. The episode concludes with Dr. Wilson’s practical and thorough guide on how one can go about starting up their own IR-only private practice.
00:00 - Introduction
03:02 - Forming a New IR Group
04:43 - Impact of Practice Changes
11:02 - IR’s Value to Hospitals
30:49 - Independent IR Practice Set-Up
36:38 - Conclusion
Karage, 2024. Attrition Rates in Interventional Radiology Integrated Residency Programs: