Exploring the Container Ports on the Gulf Coast
In this episode, the host Max Kantzer discusses the container ports on the U.S. Gulf Coast, including Houston, Mobile, New Orleans, and Tampa. Here are some notable quotes:
"Houston is the largest tonnage port in the country because of barge traffic and the oil."
"The Gulf Coast ports are generally higher rated than the East Coast, with a rate differential of anywhere from $100 to $200 per container."
"The problem with the Gulf ports is really based on Houston, because of the channel length and the width of it. There's a draft issue of 45 feet, so that restricts all of the vessels now going into the Gulf to really post-Panamax vessels."
"The Tampa port is expanding and there are more Tampa services going in there. And not just out of Latin America, but also out of Europe as well."
In this episode, our host highlights the unique challenges facing the container ports on the Gulf Coast, including the draft issue in Houston and the limited vessel size. Despite these challenges, we learn the Gulf Coast ports are still a viable option for importers to explore.