Jonathan Elsdon is a British PGA professional and golf instructor in the South of England. A former Tour Pro, Jonathan brings a wealth of playing experience to his lessons and is quickly becoming one of the most sought after coaches in the game.
He joins #OntheMark to share his philosophy on golf technique and instruction, as he dives into the inner workings of the golf swing and how Rhythm, Tempo and Timing are integral to consistent ball-striking and success.
As he teaches you how to develop reliable rhythm and a consistently smooth swing tempo he elaborates on a few concepts such as:
- How rhythm can heal a faulty golf-swing, and
- The era of swinging hard and fast.
He then makes learning the concept of tempo, timing and rhythm linear by highlighting various instructional concepts:
- The nature of golf and how golf is "what the ball does"
- Understanding the correct process to hitting quality shots
- The value of Timing
- The boundaries for Swing Positions, Sequencing, Timing and Tempo
- The Effortless Swing and what it should feel like
- Speed vs Effort
- Understanding ones natural cadence, and
- How naturalness trumps manipulation.
Jonathan also shares tips and drills on how you can understand and improve your swing rhythm, tempo and timing for more consistent golf-shots.
This podcast is also available as a vodcast. Search and subscribe to Mark Immelman on YouTube.