Recorded on Saturday October 1, 2022
My guest today is compadre now former colleague here in Beijing Octavio Araujo as he gets set to return to the USA after years of being in China. Concluding a 27-year interest in the country and the Chinese culture, Octavio is going back to the States to follow yet another career path, one that takes him out of the classroom and possibly into the courtroom.
In this episode we talk about the highlight and lowlights of working China, the language and culture, and some of the things he's learned from his time here in the county.
This is a long one having been aided by a few bottles of wine, familiarity, and the simple fact that, as an expat, you never know when you're going to meet again.
Show notes and tracks up on and stream episode on all major platforms.
Enjoy the show with Octavio!