Before TBM: “WTF is going on in my life?” After TBM: “Oh, I’m in a rut and i just need to reconnect with my authenticity!” One of the most valuable aspects of the TBM work is that it brings massive amounts of clarity. That’s why we talk so much about the basic energetic phases of manifestation: the rut, the rockbottom, the next level/uplevel, and the magic dark. Learning these phases is going to help you understand what the universe is asking you to learn in this season of your life which is absolutely crucial for connecting with the manifestations you have been asking for. Today’s episode is a mini masterclass in these energetics. Lacy and Jessica dive deep into each one, covering the hallmark indicators and the medicine to help you navigate. No matter what phase you are in right now, shedding a light on it and learning about why it might be happening is one of the most empowering, exciting aspects of this brand. Strap in!
Find the Complete Show Notes Here ->
In This Episode We Talk About:
- How to know if you’re in a rut vs a magic dark
- How you can manifest even if you find yourself feeling a little stuck
- What the purpose of a rut is, and how to move through it
- Finding internal security and solid sense of self in an uplevel
- Embracing periods of collecting and getting clear in order to manifest
- How “crickets” may be signaling a rut
- What magic dark, tests, and upleveling may feel like
- Transitions, patterns, and integrating the lessons of the universe
- Defining a rut and a rock bottom (00:07:45)
- Upleveling and what it feels like to live in that energy (00:16:20)
- Spiritual bypassing and other ways a person might be sitting in a rut and helpful tips to navigate forward (00:45:50)
Get your Tickets for The Magnetic Self Speaking Tour with Lacy & Jessica
New York SEPT 16th - SOLD OUT
Vancouver BC NOV 4th - more tickets added!
Los Angeles DEC 2nd - NEW Venue + more tickets added!
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