Meghan’s relationship with alcohol seemed ‘normal’ to her for years. Life as ICU nurse with young children kept her drinking to a minimum. But as her kids got older and she changed careers, alcohol crept into her weeknights until she often found herself hungover or even blacking out.
After one such night with family in 2019, she received a call from her dad. He had a message - clean up your act. The shame from this call led her to quit drinking that very day, and she stopped for almost a year. During this sober year, Meghan felt amazing!
But then, Covid happened, and at one year sober Meghan felt safe to try moderation. Though it started out alright, Meghan’s drinking eventually snowballed until alcohol became the centerpiece of her life. She started experiencing intense anxiety, unaware of its connection to alcohol, and was prescribed anti-anxiety medication. The meds seemed to shut off the part of her brain that felt shame for drinking, so her drinking progressed. After weaning off the medicine, her shame returned and it all became clear - her drinking was out of control.
After one night of heavy drinking, Meghan awoke at 3am and knew she’d had enough. She texted her sister and cousin and admitted that she had to stop. Those texts kept her committed - she’s now four months sober!
Meghan is so thankful for the support and community she’s found in the Cafe, and she wants you to know that you’re not alone! You just have to find your community.
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My mocktail recipe book, ‘No Ethanol Needed’ is finally here! Grab your copy here:
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