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The Ultra-Wealthy Are Falling in Love with This Secure Investing App (Here’s Why), the $1B fintech unicorn, lets you invest in the booming art market. Millionaires love this app, but you don’t need to be one to sign up.
In fact, membership is 100% free. Even better, all offerings are SEC qualified, insured, and vetted by their experts.
In case you didn’t know, contemporary art outpaced the S&P 500 by 131% from 1995-2021 with near 0 correlation to stocks according to Citi.
So, what’s their track record like?
They’ve recently returned a net +21%, +27% and +32% to members. That’s pretty impressive if you ask me.
Investing in art isn’t a new concept. The ultra-wealthy have invested in art for centuries. And while the economy may be shaky, they’re still purchasing art at a record pace.
Want to see what’s available? My subscribers get early access right here*
To find the original piece, published Nov 13, 2022, follow this link.
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