Today we will discuss the evolving and expanding community of Contemplative Outreach and Centering Prayer. We have a special guest, The Very Reverend Michael Battle, Ph.D. a theologian, professor, author, and speaker. He is the author of 11 books including his most recent title, Desmond Tutu, A Spiritual Biography of South Africa’s Confessor. We explore “ubuntu” the African proverb that teaches we are all interdependent on one another. We also explore how we can expand the contemplative life to people of color, his experience spending time with Desmond Tutu, and how our different spiritual gifts are all important.
To connect further with The Rev. Michael Battle:To connect further with us:Season 2 of
Opening Minds, Opening Hearts was made possible by a grant from the
Trust for the Meditation Process, a charitable foundation encouraging meditation, mindfulness, and contemplative prayer.
This episode of
Opening Minds, Opening Hearts is produced by Crys & Tiana LLC Stream and Download the Opening Minds, Opening Hearts Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Amazon and Spotify!