Show notes:
Naturally, if you’ve started trading options for any reasonable amount of time you’ll run across the VIX index. Or as it’s commonly referred to, the “Fear” Index. And while the concept of tracking and trading volatility with the VIX might sound intimidating at first, trust me, it’s not all that complicated and just requires a little common sense.
In today’s podcast, we’ve brought on a very special guest, Mark Sebastian, a former floor trader, hedge fund manager and the guy behind What’s great about Mark is that not only does he have a lot of experience as an options trader, but he’s also got a lot of specialized knowledge when it comes to the VIX and volatility products like VXX, UVXY, and VXZ that I know you’re going to love.
During the show, we’ll talk about the history of the VIX, how the index is priced, how the VIX futures term structure accounts for mean reversion and some simple strategies you can use to trade volatility with a higher probability of success. So, don’t be afraid to dig into this podcast this Halloween - Mark and I have some yummy volatility treats waiting for you (okay I just had to throw that in there given the release date).