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feel like, I feel like he should have bequeathed it to someone. I'm trying to
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get a peacock series of me and Wemby to rival Mr. Throwback. Oh
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yeah. You got a little Stefan
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Curry. Well, I got fucking Wemby. Yeah. You got Adam Pally from what making history. No, you got fucking Gino Lombardo from the comedy bang bang. Who is history? Who's? Yeah.
Speaker 1
I'm history. I'm social studies. I'm whatever the fuck you need me to be, baby. Wow. Well, I mean, you know, I'm glad you're here. And it's I mean, I know it was a long road to get here, but I hate you being here. It's the least it's literally the least
Speaker 2
I can know. Yeah. I've even I've missed the whole first act. So I'm glad you were able to record it You didn't like autoplay trailers on your laptop or anything because we talked about how rude that is to do when you know, I guess No, I don't think I did. You said I never do it when I big guess don't worry You see any movies lately I've seen a fuck ton of movies I actually saw a drugstore June which Hajo is also in Yeah, they're forecasting that one. Yeah. Yeah. That was a fun one. I've seen a lot of movies lately. Are you watching Bad Monkey with Vince Vaughn on Apple? I. It's not a movie, but who can tell these days you just click on something and something starts playing and you go, I hope this is a movie because I don't like it. And then it's like fuck there's seven more hours of it I did watch that
Speaker 1
What do you call it that Colin Farrell show on the on the Apple? Sugar? Sure, you make it did you
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make it to the turn? I mean
Speaker 1
Just cuz I do that. I knew
Speaker 2
the turn from literally minute three or something like that's so funny Cuz I watched the whole thing and did not pick up on what I was like, this movie is, this show is making some weird choices. Yeah. And then in episode six, spoiler for all those sugarheads out
Speaker 1
there. Yeah, turn it off right now if you're gonna see sugar. I don't suggest you do. Yeah, you don't have to. You know what? This is not compulsory to watch sugar. In a show that for six
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episodes has been a kind of LA noir story about the entertainment industry. In episode six, our main character, Farrell peels his face off to reveal to be an alien. You know, he injects himself with something that shuts down his facial hiding and it's revealed that he's an alien. Only a couple of weird things have happened that would make you think he might be an alien.
Speaker 1
Well, I mean, constant weird things that I picked up on very
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early, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some of us had just caught up in the program. I know, yeah. Just getting lost in it. Yeah. What a twist. A true surprise. Honestly, it made me not watch the rest. I got to go back. I got to find out what happens to my whole thing is you're going to do like six more seasons of that show for sure. Make that make that minute one. Thank you. You know what I mean? Like it's get rid of this five. Five point nine nine episodes, which
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are just kind of boring and like, you know, like leading you, like giving dropping hints and stuff like that. Just make a minute one and then we can get on with our lives. You know what I mean?
Speaker 2
For fuck's sake, for fuck's sake. I'm so tired of this shit. Just get,
Speaker 1
just start Game of Thrones
Speaker 2
with the ice dragon dying. This
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whole, this whole new episode.
Speaker 2
Just start Tony Soprano in the diner, ordering onion rings, getting fucking dying. This
Speaker 1
whole new, what's it, Game of Thrones show, what is it called? House of Dragon. This whole second season was just about people like more
Speaker 2
like House of Dragon D-R Apostrophe. Thank you.
Speaker 1
It's just about people
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going like. Sometimes I do jokes that I think you would do just to cut you off at the past. Sure. That's one I would do. No, you probably wouldn't have thought of that.