There are times when I get up and I know I need to write. And I don't feel it. There’s no inspiration, and I am exhausted. I feel really dry, spiritually or creatively. It's this insurmountable task. Sometimes the right thing to do is to just press in and keep going. And sometimes the right thing to do is to listen to that sense of resistance and stop. And there's no discernible difference. There's no light on the dashboard. There's nothing that tells me one over the other. So it's so hard for me to discern.”
Tish Harrison Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America, a regular columnist for the New York Times, and the author of Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep. IVP is invested in advocating for mental health through the publications of books like On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble, and Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren. IVP provides Christian resources for both individuals and professionals. Find all of IVP’s mental health resources at
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