Today's show begins with the greeting and world news segment by Emiliann Lorenzen and Jennifer Bilek's monthly report on the Gender Industry.
Next, hear Jenna DiQuarto's tribute to the late great Betty White and the song "It's a Good Day" sung by Ms. White.
Following the song, hear interviews with Lierre Keith, author, and activist from the Pacific Northwest, and Elizabeth Miller, editor of Spinning & Weaving: A Feminist Anthology for the 21st Century and founder of the Chicago Feminist Salon. Both of these women offer their rundown on the top stories of 2021 and advice for what to focus on and look for in 2022.
Stay tuned 'til the very end for Sekhmet SheOwl's analysis and commentary on the women's movement in 2021 and what to look for in 2022.
Thanks for staying tuned to WLRN, feminist-powered community radio!