In this edition, hear WLRN world news as written and delivered by Jenna DiQuarto before enjoying the song "Ode to a Gym Teacher" by Meg Christian. After that, you'll hear the interview WLRN's Robin Long did with Coach Linda Blade, president of Athletics Alberta and Beth Stelzer of Save Women's Sports. This stellar interview is followed by Thistle's commentary on the beauty and sanctity of women bonding through competition and team sports.
Women's sports have the potential to serve as an organizing tool for women's rights and protections like no other issue because EVERYONE can relate to the concept of fairness and integrity when it comes to being a "good sport" on the field and as a spectator.
As mentioned in the interview, please consider contacting the International Olympics Committee to voice your opposition to including males as competitors in women's sports. WLRN found the following contact information for that organization. Thanks for tuning in to WLRN. Please like, listen and share widely as our podcasts are only accessible if listeners like you spread the word.
United States Olympic Committee.
Address. 1 Olympic Plaza. Colorado Springs CO 80909. United States of America.
Phone. +1 719 632 5551.
Fax. +1 719 866 4763.
President. Ms Susanne LYONS.
Secretary General. Mrs Sarah HIRSHLAND. There is also this link to find international contact info for the IOC