Have you ever been absolutely, utterly confident in an outcome, only to get a rude awakening when things go very differently? Well, you're not alone. Behavioral economics pioneer Peter Atwater has made it his mission to help more people understand the role of confidence in human decision making, outcomes, and how it's rooted in "our desire for certainty and control." In this week's show, Jeff and Jason talk with Peter about his new book, The Confidence Map: Charting a Path from Chaos to Clarity. They discuss his background, his decision to leave a successful banking career and start over at 45, and and how The Confidence Map came to be, and how it can help people make better decisions in many aspects of their lives.
In the second part of the show, Jason and Jeff share their thoughts on the book and the conversation with Peter, and how the concepts in the book can fit in the investor's toolbox.
Companies mentioned: BRK.A, BRK.B
Buy The Confidence Map on Amazon.
Peter Atwater on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Peter_Atwater
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