On this episode, Chewy and Eugene discuss a recent article that claims that you can get “ridiculously" strong for BJJ by just doing bodyweight exercises. We chat about the article in depth and where we agree and disagree with the writer’s arguments.
We also discuss why some grapplers a resistant to lifting weights, how to properly use isometric exercises to strengthen your body, our thoughts on “Functional Exercises,” if incorporating more wrestling into your training will increase strength, if you will get stronger by training with heavier training partners, whether there is any benefit to doing bodyweight exercises, if drilling can improve “functional strength” for BJJ, if increased flexibility and mobility will improve strength, whether cardiovascular conditioning improves strength, and out overall thoughts on this article.
Check out the link to the article to see what you think: https://www.bjjee.com/articles/how-to-get-ridiculously-strong-for-jiu-jitsu-without-lifting-weights/
Thanks to the podcast sponsors:
Check out "Grapple Science" at https://grapplescience.com/ and use the code CHEWJITSU20 for 20% off of your purchase of supplements.
Charlotte's Web CBD.
Head over to https://bit.ly/chewjitsu30 and use the promo code Chewjitsu30 to get 30% off of your total purchase.
Epic Roll BJJ.
Check out https://www.epicrollbjj.com and use the promo code Chewjitsu20 to get 20% off of your total purchase.
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