When I enter the homes of the best producers on the planet for a day of advisory, my eyes always note that though they might have big TVs in their abodes they inevitably have massive libraries. Books upon books upon books.
Buffett keeps his calendar clear each day so he can read most of the day.
Thomas Edison said: “When I want to discover something I begin by reading.”
Poet Emily Dickinson stated: “There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away.”
For all of my adult life, I have been blessed by books. As I walk the streets of Rome and London and Paris and New York, I search for bookstores. Old and new. Rugged and pristine. Seeking that one book that will open up my mind, heart and soul to new oceans of possibility, mastery and serenity.
My new book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.