In this episode, I dive into one of the most challenging and transformative aspects of personal growth: conflict. I share my perspective on how to navigate, embrace, and engage with conflict in the most next-level way possible.
Conflict is golden because it accelerates the process of bringing unconscious material to the surface of your conscious awareness. This gives you the opportunity to make conscious choices about how you relate to that material and, ultimately, transform it.
I discuss how our narratives and stories act as scaffolding around the energy we experience, and how changing the energy can change our patterns. I also explore the concept of solipsism—the idea that the entire universe might be a projection of your mind—and how considering this perspective can lead to a deeper level of personal responsibility.
Using a recent conflict with a close friend and client as an example, I illustrate how we can use conflict to practice being more of who we want to be. By taking 100% responsibility for our conflicts, we can extract the most material for our evolution, rupture and repair deeper issues, and ultimately cultivate more joy, curiosity, awe, wonder, and empowerment in our lives.
Thank you for joining me. I hope this episode offers you valuable insights and perspectives to consider.