Should you pay off debt, build your emergency fund or invest first?
Kate Campbell and Owen Rask answer YOUR questions on this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast. We discuss investing in a recession, getting a car loan at 18, how to invest with just $5 and the investments that taught us the most.
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DISCLAIMER: This podcast contains general financial information only. That means the information does not take into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs. Because of that, you should consider if the information is appropriate to you and your needs, before acting on it. If you’re confused about what that means or what your needs are, you should always consult a licensed and trusted financial planner. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in this podcast, including any financial, taxation, and/or legal information. Remember, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The Rask Group is NOT a qualified tax accountant, financial (tax) adviser, or financial adviser.
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