How do billionaires think? Are their brains different than other peoples? Success isn't magic, it's cause and effect. There are actions people have taken in their life that have had profound impacts that made them successful. Success doesn't happen by chance, it happens by taking specific actions. What causes somebody to take action? Their thinking! It's their analysis, rationalizing, decision making, tradeoffs, problem-solving, etc. What part of a human is responsible for these functions? The mind! Success derives from the mind: Mind - Thinking - Action - Success. Your mind is the boot loader for everything, it's the most important thing to understand and improve if you want to perform better in life. Because of this, I've had a fascination with successful people's minds. I wanted to study them, how they think, and how their brains function, so that I could assemble one for myself. In today's podcast, I share with you what billionaires' minds look like, how they work and how to assemble one of them for yourself starting today!