SHR # 2948:: Could Cannabis Cure the Opioid Crisis? PLUS Plasma Dilution Reduces Biological Age - Dr. Carolyn Pritchett, PhD - Dr. Irina Conboy, PhD.- Dr. Michael Conboy, PhD - Opioid use rates have dropped as North American patients gain access to medical cannabis, indicating a harm reduction role, yet health outcomes remain mostly unexplored. This study presents self-reported medical cannabis use, perceptions of health functioning, and changes in opioid pain medication use in Florida medical cannabis patients. PLUS Real Anti-aging Series: Evidence that aging in a great part is the result of metabolic debris. Something I've been saying for over 5 years now. Early parabiosis studies showed something magical happens when you replace old blood with new blood. The Conboy Lab as UC Berkeley has put a finer point on this theory by focusing on the plasma portion of blood. Sources: PART1 STUDY: - PART 2 STUDY(S): - - CARL RECOMMENDS: - - View and download all shows at - Visit us on Instagram: @superhumanradio - Support SHR -