Mark is a Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy and Counselling at the University of Salford, the author of two books on Transactional analysis, and a UKCP registered psychotherapist. He is also an active psychotherapy researcher, and in 2017, he was awarded the International Transactional Analysis Association Research Award in recognition of his research into the effectiveness of TA.
In this conversation, we discuss:
— The core concepts of the TA model, including how each of us has 3 basic elements to our personality: the parent, the child, and the adult
— The benefits of TA compared with other forms of psychotherapy and the situations in which it can be particularly effective
— How many of us are unconsciously running on “Life Scripts” that we inherited in our first few years and what can be done to “rescript” them to improve our quality of life
— Why it’s important to remember that everyone we meet is at the centre of their own universe and how this can benefit our own emotional wellbeing.
And more.
You can follow Mark on Twitter at @DrMarkWiddowson.
Dr Mark Widdowson has over 20 years of experience as a practising psychotherapist. He is a Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy and Counselling at the University of Salford, the author of two books on Transactional analysis, and a UKCP registered psychotherapist. He specialises in Transactional Analysis (TA) Psychotherapy. He was the recipient of the 2017 International Transactional Analysis Association Research Award in recognition of his research into the effectiveness of TA.
Interview Links:
— Mark’s book on 100 Key TA Point and Techniques:
— Mark’s book on TA for depression:
3 Books Mark Recommends Every Therapist Should Read:
— Man's Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl:
— Existential Psychotherapy - Irvin Yalom:
— The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy - Louis Cozolino: