In this episode, I dig into the art of decision-making, especially when it comes to those pivotal, life-altering choices that define who we are. Jeff Bezos once shared that his best decisions have come not from data and analysis but from heart, intuition, and guts. Sure, numbers and logic have their place, but when it comes to the big decisions, it’s instinct that guides us toward what truly aligns with our path. Data can’t tell us which direction matters most to us—it might paint a picture, but only our inner compass knows where to go.
But here's the thing: we often pit heart and mind against each other, like they're rivals. They’re not. They’re collaborators. A fulfilling journey requires both: our intuition gives us purpose, our brain supplies the strategy. It’s about setting your sights on a destination that resonates deeply with you, one that pulls you forward, and then letting your mind help you make it real. How do you approach your biggest decisions?
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